The Sea Water Energy System Technology

The Sea Water Energy System Technology
SWES (Sea Water Energy System) Technology means that it produces ready to use, clean and stable electric power from seawater in an environmentally friendly way.
Universities laboratories, engineers and institutes of environmental protection were instrumental in the development of SWES Technology.The most important part of the SWES Technology is the SWES Energy Cell which produces the basic electric power.
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How does SWES Technology produce energy from seawater?
SeaWaterEnergySystem produces electricity with ion transmission of using forming dielectrum and natural salts and mineral materials water-solution from nature.
71% of the Earth’s surface is covered with water , a significant proportion (seas, oceans) dissolved in mineral-rich suspension (electrolyte). Physical phenomena has long been known that dissolved minerals are electrical charged which can store its capacity a very long time.
The phenomenon is also well known that the natural environment is constantly draws electricity energy, which is regenerating in a natural way from energy of the Sun, thus keeping a constant saturation the level of stored electrical energy by seas and ocean.
The power source in contact with water containing substances which in itself can also be found dissolved in the water.
SWES Technology allows utilization of stored electrical energy of the seas and oceans, without negative natural environment impact.
In the last 6 years the researchers conducted several thousands of experiments with hundreds of different materials in order to find the way to provide a safe and clean source of electricity from the seas.
In 2012 SWES System 1 kW prototype was completed, which produced 230V 50Hz AC electricity.
During tests we used 45 pcs 9W bulb on 230V, and different power tools (650W, 800W and 960W). The system contained approximately 60 liters of salt water mixture in sea water quality (3%), which gave energy for 20-25 minutes of steady workload.
Based on test measurements was stated that the stored electrical energy in
1 m3 of seawater at least 30kW
1 km3 of seawater at least 30000 giga watts
In 2013 it was a crystal based material that provided the big break through.
Thanks to this crystalline substance SWES has became a stable, safe and environmentally friendly technology.

How does SWES dive light operate?

The dive light is the first product using SWES Technology.
The lamp gets the energy from seawater, so it’s basicly requires no special maintenance.
It could be operated by divers for many years.
There is no need to charge, replace battery, it’s simply has to be used.
The system begins to operate and provide the necessary energy as soon as the lamp touches the water.
The SWES Dive Light includes an energy cell which comprising an anode and a cathode
arranged in the inner space with a spacing suitable for receiving an electrolyte liquid.
The electric power will be generating from the flowing through electrolyte liquid by the energy cell.
The SWES Energy Cell
The SWES Energy Cell produces the basic electric power from seawater.
Development of the energy cell brought the achievement to the SWES Technology.
Development of this part was the most important and the most difficult task. As the energy cell has direct contact with the environment, the used materials must be completely environmentally friendly.
For today we are ready with three different energy cells implemented control panels.
According to the needs of use we created 3,2VDC, 5VDC and 12VDC systems –first in the world.
We are the one and only who could manage the separation of energy cells, which has made possible to build even more 100VDC units together. This step was mandatory to fulfill the needs of special places, which have more electricity usage, such as ships.

The SWES Energy Cell is the only unit of our system, which has direct contact with the environment.
The Energy Cell system passing through the liquid electrolyte (sea water), a process due to free ions in the electrolyte is
cast themselves in the energy stored through in the anode and cathode pole.
In energy cells are only materials used, which can be found in nature, and to any solution, or compounds do not harm the environment. The cathode is special phytogenic crystalline substance and the anode is a specially developed magnesium alloy.
Our next goal is to develop a SWES based system that will be capable of driving of engines of yachts and see-going ships. WE TURN
The future of SWES Technology

For us it was certainty one of the main directions of the development of SWES Technology will be the electric ship.
As the energy is coming directly from the seawater itself the ships are not running on fuel.
The SWES energy cell provides the necessary electric energy from the seawater all day and night long , independently from weather conditions. Thanks to the electric energy your ship can go in the deepest silence and let you enjoy the unique experience while you’re shipping around the sounds of nature.
We made the first steps already and we believe with supporters we can have all the possibilities to build the first prototype of SWES electric ship.
Development of SWES Energy Cells
For an electric power-driven ship the needed energy level is higher than for a dive light.
For our tests and examinations we prepared the first energy cell unit from 8pcs of 12VDC energy cells, which provides all together 96VDC of voltage.
With these tests we verified that the necessary energy level for ships can be produced by SWES energy cells.